Image of person meditating while laying on the floor

Meditate to Come Back to You

Why do I meditate?
I meditate to come back to me.
To come back to me and to infinite intelligence.
To everything that is known.
To everything that will ever be known.
I come for solace.
I come for peace.
I come for wisdom.
I come for strength.
I come to rest, to renew, to heal.
I come for my next right step.

When we allow ourselves the time to meditate, to get quiet, to just be, to allow…our infinite self gently emerges to guide our way. Setting an intention for meditation can inform our experience, and the outcome is always for highest good. You get what you need in the moment. Peace, patience, wisdom, courage, confidence…What do you need? Curious about how a practice can support you?

Self-inquiry: Close your eyes and take in a nice deep breath….and slowly let it out. Bring to mind something you’ve been pondering that you would appreciate wise counsel on….Breathe in again….and breathe out…be still….allowing that inquiry to sink into your subconscious. Let go of the thought and trust that the answers will come in perfect time…..and when you are ready…open your eyes.

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