Meditation Journaling

Inspired Awareness through Meditation and Journaling

“Inside us is everything.” Monica Bellucci. Inside each of us is everything we need to be, to have, and to do anything we could possibly imagine according to our heart’s desire. Spending time every day with ourselves meditating and journaling before the world grabs our attention helps us to imagine our lives as we want to see them, strengthens our resolve to develop a plan, and boosts our confidence in taking the next right steps toward realizing our goals.

Peaceful Action: Place a journal and pen at your bedside before you retire for the evening. In the morning, just as you begin to awaken with your eyes still closed…take a few moments to lay there, breathing in….and breathing out. Allow yourself to imagine your perfect day. As you get to the end of your day, notice how you feel. Now breath in again…and breathe out…and when you are ready, open your eyes and journal your experience. You can now start your day out with a peaceful confidence that things are going to go your way.

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